Combination Course

Start any Monday. 21 hours per week. 15 hours group lessons of General English + 6 hours one-to-one. Morning classes focus on integrating all skills: speaking and pronunciation, listening, reading and writing incorporating related vocabulary and grammar.

Afternoon classes: student chooses course content for one to one tuition – Business/Medicine/Travel & Tourism.

15 hours General English group lessons 09.30 – 13.00
6 hours one to one 14.00 - 15.30 (no afternoon class on Fridays)


Course Summary

Start dates

  • Any Monday (excluding public holidays)

Course levels

  • Elementary (A2) to Advanced (C1)

Class size

  • Maximum 12 in morning class. One to one in afternoon class

Minimum Stay

  • 1 week

Minimum age

  • 16 years

Lesson duration

  • 90 minutes

Books & Materials

  • Provided free of charge during lessons, option to buy a book for £40

School Closure Dates 2024/2025

  • 1st January 2024
  • 29th March
  • 1st April
  • 6th May
  • 27th May
  • 26th August
  • 21st December 2024 - 5th January 2025 inclusive
SKOLA Exeter English Language School